Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Question: How to check to see if a user is still accessing a MSSQL database?

We run MSSQL servers for most of our databases. Occasionally, we need to reboot these servers. I can check to see if anyone has anything open on the windows side (open file shares), but, when trying to discern if anyone is actively using the SQL database, I cannot tell.

I open Enterprise manager, expand out to "Management" and I see "Current Activity". There I have:
  1. Process Info
  2. Locks / Process ID
  3. Locks / Object
1) Process Info
  • I have alot of PID's with status of "sleeping", Some are "background", and some are "runnable"
2) Locks / Process ID
  • I have a listing of spid's
3) Locks / Objects
  • I see a listing of databases
  • Each database list's a PID with lock type and mode
My question: What am I looking for!? I just want to make sure everyone is out so I can reboot. Can anyone clarify this for me?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Firefox Crashing on Exit - Windows Vista SP1

Seems like 75% of the time, when I close Firefox 3 on my Windows Vista SP1 Home Premium PC, it crashes and wants to send an error report. I have submitted it dozens of times. Looking on the Internets, this seems to be a common problem. One person suggested it was the "Better Gmail 2" addon, but I removed it and it still crashes. Others point to spyware. Well, I like to consider myself a bit of a PC guru, and there is NOT A CHANCE I have any spyware on thePC. AKA, the kids (or wife) aren't allowed on the computer!

Here is the firefox thread: (with no solution btw)


If anyone has any answers, please let me know! (comments)

UPDATE: I believe the google toolbar was the problem. I read about it on the thread, disabled it, and "knock knock" on wood, no crashes!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Programs that Suck

Just thought I would start a list of suck programs that give me headaches, no particular order:

  1. Wordperfect - Because it does not use the printer in a standard windows way, so I end up with every other program printing, EXCEPT Wordperfect. Heaven forbid they use Word, you know, since we have already paid for it and all our IT staff are trained on it, and 90% of people use it. I know, I made that last statistic up.

I will be adding to this list as more programs tick me off, and they will. Do you have any programs that make you want to pull your hair out? Let me know in the comments.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Google Maps won't load in Firefox

Are you having an issue loading google maps in firefox? Uninstall your skype add-in. Problem solved.

Don't ask me why, just know how :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finally, Gmail Signature Formatting - with HTML!

After giving up my search for a decent solution to the problem of not being able to apply basic formatting to my gmail signature, my favorite rss feed, lifehacker, let me in on Wisestamp.

This firefox addon allows you to put HTML into your favorite web based email application. Heck, if you don't know HTML, it allows you to use a WYSIWYG editor, and fill in the blank social website applications (digg, twitter, blogger, facebook, myspace, etc).

I just installed it and it works great. Let me know what you think or if you have any alternatives.